'GTA Online' September DLC tipped to be released this week, includes gender-changing feature

Rockstar Games website

Rockstar is expected to release a brand new DLC for "GTA Online" this month. The game studio is tightlipped about what this pack holds but rumor mills have been churning some juicy information as to what this much-awaited add-on will contain. 

As per "GTA" tipsters MrBossFTW aka Ross and TezFunz, the DLC will be here sooner than gamers think. The latter even said that a 150 MB folder for what's called a DLCPacks4 was already uploaded to the Rockstar Games servers. These files are said to be the same ones found in the PC version of "GTA 5." This means that the DLC is set for an official release. 

Tezfunz says that this "GTA Online" September DLC should be made available by next week. This is an intel he claims he acquired from a source he did not name. That said, players can prepare for a round of awesome new stuff and paraphernalia to do and use in Los Santos. 

TezFunz also claims in another tweet that the DLC will bring in a feature that will allow players to change the gender of their characters in the game. To do this, IB Times says that gamers will be offered to undergo cosmetic surgery and gender reassignment. The same tipster says that Rockstar might even offer this feature to interested gamers in "GTA Online" through special forum requests. 

Last month, Rockstar announced that the Rockstar Editor, a feature that debuted in the PC version of "GTA 5" that allows recording, editing and sharing of in-game footages, will be available for the PS4 and Xbox One versions of "GTA 5" this month. It will come with new features, too, and all three platforms will get to enjoy all those. 

In the same post, the game studio announced that "some exciting new gameplay for GTA Online Freemode" will be integrated in the September update.