'GTA V Online Heist' DLC update to bring new vehicles and a Yacht mission location

[Photo credit: Rockstar Games]

The open world action adventure video game is yet to be released for the PC platform (title will be released during the month of March), but new rumors indicate that the "GTA Online Heists" DLC will be featuring a special yacht location in the game. The information was posted by Twitter user Funmw2.

In the "Online Heists" DLC, console gamers (and future PC gamers) should keep an eye out for the following add-ons: 

  • CJ_IOABoat
  • "hei_carrier
  • smboat
  • cs3_07_mpgates
  • hei_yacht_heist

According to the information posted by the user, testing the codes revealed that the current code for the aircraft carrier does not work. However, when the user attempted to use the code for the yacht, his efforts paid off as the code was able to spawn a yacht for the player. In order to confirm the information, the user uploaded an image on his Twitter account

"GTA V" developer Rockstar Games has yet to comment on these new leaked vehicles for the upcoming downloadable content. The developing team announced the DLC content back in December and stated that the update will be free on all platforms, namely Xbox, PlayStation and the PC (Windows 7 and Windows Vista will be the minimum required to play "GTA V's" upcoming DLC since the platforms provide support for Microsoft's DirectX 11 API).

The DLC will also be featuring additional vehicles, along with a brand new lineup of weapons and clothes. "Online Heists" will allow players to be split in to teams of four individuals, with one of the players taking on the role of the leader of the squad. Communication will be vital in order to be successful in each mission since the leader will be debriefing the remaining three players on weapons load out and mission status. 

"GTA V" for PC will be arriving on March 24.