'GTA 5 Online': New mods revealed for gamers - Helpware, savegames, tools, wallpapers and more

Grand Theft Auto V has made that significant jump to the PC after being made available only on game consoles. And while many are already enjoying the PC version, there will of course be plenty for game modifications which should make the GTA V experience better.

At the top of the list is an interesting mode which allows iPhone owners to actually access the in-game phone in the game. This means that users are able to scroll through the text messages, check out their current list of objectives and control the in-game camera.

However, while the whole in-game phone control thing looks pretty cool, there is no mention on whether this would be made public by the creator.

The iPhone was connected using a combination of Arduino Leonardo PCB, an Ethernet shield connected to a PC and a running webserver. However take note that the Ethernet shield may slow down communication. The speed can however be boosted by switching to BLE from the Ethernet setup.

The iPhone connectivity is demoed via this video over at YouTube, something you can check out below.

Aside from that, there are a whole lot more of mods that have come out. The new mods included in "Grand Theft Auto" V are Helpware, savegames, tools, and wallpapers. Mods about the GTA IV, GTA San Andres, GTA Vice City, and GTA III are also available.

One mod called Mayhem Mod allows gamers to fire missiles from their vehicle with some chaotic physics effects. The effects include that of Blow Smash and Suck Smash.

The Blow Smash is something that allows gamers to throw cars away while the Suck Smash allows players to pull cars toward them. The Variation Smash is a combination of both, randomly throwing cars all around.

It should be however wise to note that mods are currently blocking players who use GTA V Online. Such has drawn the ire of some gamers, particularly the ones who have been using mods on single player mode.

Simple mods such as FOV (Field of Vision), whose aim is to make the game fit better on PC monitors have reportedly resulted in banning. Harmless as the mod may sound, it looks like Rockstar Games is cracking the whip on mods although it seems curious why a simple mod like FOV would be included.