Guardians of the Galaxy 2 release date, cast news: Who will be the lone new character?

James GunnWikimedia Commons

What can Marvel fans expect from Guardians of the Galaxy 2?

After the first installment caught many be surprise, Guardians of the Galaxy became the third top grossing film from the Marvel Cinematic Universe, racking in $333.2 million at the domestic box office and $441 million abroad,

With that breakthrough, Marvel fans are eager to see how the sequel can possibly top all that.

ScreenRant, through a Periscope session, was able to get some hints on what to expect from director James Gunn. Summing it all up, Gunn said that fans should expect fewer characters and that there would be a new character joining the cast.

The reason behind using fewer characters in the sequel was to provide a deeper look into each character while maintaining the big battles and great visuals which were prevalent in the first installment.

While Gunn did mention that there would be one new actor, he also added that one of the key characters had to be dropped. There is no word yet on who that character is but it definitely won't be Starlord played by Chris Pratt.

Gunn originally had plans to place one big character under his original draft, someone he says he liked a lot. But with no room for that character, he evidently had to scratch that one, at least for GOTG 2. Chances are the so-called big character could be reconsidered for GOTG 3 though that remains to be seen. 'Guardians of the Galaxy' 3 has yet to get an official release date though that will surely be still far off, possibly 2020 at the earliest if you do the match on Marvel's film release lineup.

But before we set our sights on that, let us focus on the sequel first before moving forward. GOTG 2 is scheduled to hit theater year on May 5, 2017, in a film which Gunn says will be an emotional one, something that brought even Chris Pratt reportedly to tears.