'Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2' news: Dave Bautista teases Howard the Duck appearing in upcoming film

A screenshot from "Guardians of the Galaxy" featuring the character Howard the DuckMarvel Studios

Howard the Duck's appearance in "Guardians of the Galaxy" was a big surprise for fans of Marvel Comics, and the short cameo redeemed the character's reputation, which was ruined by the poorly received movie back in the 1990s. It is now hinted that he will appear again in "Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2."

According to a report from Comic Book, actor Dave Bautista, who plays Drax the Destroyer, was present at this year's Heroes and Villains Fan Fest in Atlanta, Georgia. He was present in one of the panels for "Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2" and addressed the rumor that Howard the Duck might be appearing in the new film.

"As long as there's a James Gunn directing the film, there's a possibility of a Howard the Duck cameo," Bautista stated.

Back when the first film released, Gunn also stated that Howard might be appearing in future MCU films. At the time he explained that Howard is only going to be pushed as a cameo appearance but not as a central character. This may change years down the line and a proper "Howard the Duck" movie could be developed.

The report also points out that Gunn may be the key factor in giving more attention to the character as Gunn previously professed he was a big fan of the original "Howard the Duck" comic books. However, the original film, which was produced by George Lucas, dampened the chances of a proper reboot ever happening.

According to the report, Lucas did state a reboot could be in the works in the future, particularly now with the kind of filmmaking technology that Marvel Studios has. Back when the 1990s film was in development, Lucas allegedly told the producers and writers that the movie wouldn't work because back then they couldn't rely on CGI.

It should be pointed out that Bautista's statement is not yet a proper confirmation that Howard is indeed going to be in "Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2."

"Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2" opens in theaters on May 5, 2017.