'Half-Life 3' release date news, rumors: Game to be released in 2018; Kraken Base and VR capabilities among the features?

"Half Life 3" is expected to arrive but not anytime soon.Steam

The much-awaited sequel to the "Half-Life" series — "Half-Life 3" — could be released in 2018, but this is still unconfirmed. However, that does not stop fans from speculating about the game's features, and right now the most popular one is that the game supports Virtual Reality in order to bring a new dimension to the title.

According to Yibada, "Half-Life 3" has been a closely-guarded game, and as such only a handful of developers at Valve has been working on the title, which inevitably resulted in its long-overdue delay. Fans have been quite impatient with the game, as they want Valve to continue the series following the success of its first two games.

Of course, no release date has been given just yet, but some people say that it is logical for the game to be released in 2018 to concide with the celebration of the game's 20th anniversary.

The new "Half-Life" game is also expected to be much bigger and at the same time more updated to stay relevant with the latest gaming trends. Fans are actually excited to hear rumors about the game having a Kraken Base, which will enable them to do some deep sea explorations with the use of a submarine. Fans have been expecting this due to the fact that in the second "Half-Life" game, the Kraken Base location was instead replaced with a train scene, so it is possible for it to make an appearance in the third game.

Meanwhile, according to the Christian Times, the storyline of the new game will follow Dr. Mossman instead. After all, it is speculated that the goal of the new game is to save Dr. Freeman from the disintegrating Kraken Base, with the latter following the sound of bells to a secret base in the arctic.

"Half-Life 3" is not yet confirmed, but it is possible that an official update will be made soon.