'Half-Life 3' release date rumors: no confirmation yet from Valve speculation points to 2018

Half-Life 2 main characters Alyx Vance and Dr. Gordon FreemanValve

It looks like "Half-Life" gamers are itching for the third installment to Valve's popular first-person shooter videogaming series even if the details about "Half-Life 3" still remain as unavailable as ever.

Four days from now, the "Half-Life" videogaming franchise will be celebrating the ninth anniversary of its second videogame installment, and with the anniversary date drawing near, Game n Guide reports that gamers have begun to express frustration over the absence of "Half-Life 3." Given the nine-year gap since the release of the second "Half-Life" game, it seems like gamers have begun to expect Valve to finally give word on "Half-Life 3."

Though Valve hasn't issued any statements on a third "Half-Life" installment, rumors have begun to spread that the game could come out sometime soon with a few reports suggesting that "Half-Life 3" could very well be at the final stages of production.

According to a report by University Herald, Valve had originally planned to work on "Half-Life 3" after "Half-Life 2." However, the developer had changed its mind and decided that the third first-person shooter installment would be divided into three small episodes. Since then, however, fans haven't heard a word from Valve about the third "Half-Life" game. Back in 2012, an alleged concept art for the so-called "Half-Life 2: Episode 3" made its way to the Internet. Since Valve never confirmed the content of the leaks, nothing became of the third episode of "Half-Life 2."

With all these rumors leading to nowhere, fans are now beginning to worry whether they're going to see "Half-Life 3" at all. Despite the grim circumstances, however, speculations have also begun spreading that the third "Half-Life" videogame might come out two years from now in 2018 in order to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the franchise. If not, it could come out in 2028 for the 30th year milestone. Fans will just have to wait and see.