'Half-Life 3' updates: Valve Corporation still silent about 'Half-Life 3'

This is a cool cover, but one thing than will be cooler than that is a new one dedicated "Half-life 3" cover.Wikipedia

Seven years since the release of the epic second installment of the first-person shooter series "Half-Life", gamers have already retired from waiting. To add to the upset, its developer, Valve Corporation, seems to be just too hard to pin down for a "Half-Life 3" spill or two. On top of that, new rumors have aimed to ignite the anticipation all over again but to no avail, "Half-Life 3" continues to be no less than a myth.

Even before E3 this year, an alleged rollout for "Half-Life 3" along with "Left for Dead 4," "Team Fortress 2" and "Portal 3" caused quite a stir. However, none of the titles ever put in an appearance.

In an interview with Washington Post, Valve Corporation founder Gabe Newell hinted a possible advent of the "Half-Life" franchise's third installment. He implied the possibility of designing the new title as a multiplayer game as opposed to the company's single-player-natured game lineups over the years.

"When we started out we were a single-player video game company that could have been really successful just doing Half-Life sequel after Half-Life sequel, but we collectively said let's try to make multiplayer games even though there's never been a commercial successful multiplayer game," Newell said.

The statement seems to have only doubled the ambiguity for fans.

According to Air Herald, Valve Corporation is just being prudent. The site stated that a third installment "might not be the best move" for the company as it is a "risky" project. But the site also couched Valve's possible plans of utilizing more advanced technology for the game, which therefore entails more waiting.

KDrama Stars, on the other hand, said that the game may be in the works, as "Counter Strike" co-creators allegedly confirmed.

In a nutshell, information about "Half-Life 3" remains as disappointingly skimpy. Valve Corporation may have something in reserve, but all gamers can ever do for now is wait.