'Halo 5: Guardians' DLC news: Players receive a gift as game turns one; developers say more content is on the way

A promotional image for "Halo 5: Guardians"343 Industries, Microsoft

"Halo 5: Guardians" turned one a couple of days ago and gave out gifts to its players. Additionally, 343 Industries, the game developer, also announced that fans can expect more downloadable content (DLC) to arrive in the game.

Players who logged in during the game's anniversary day went on to receive the Greatest Hits Customization REQ pack, valued at $9.99, for free. The pack contains five permanent visual add-ons for the Spartan characters that could be weapons skins, armors, and helmets. The contents of the pack are categorized as Ultra Rare and usable in Arena, Warzone, and Warzone Firefight game modes.

Josh Holmes of 343 Industries assured the fans that the studio will continue to support the game and that they can expect more content to arrive in the future. There will be new maps, game improvements and better integration between the Xbox One and Windows 10 PC, according to the latest blog post.

Holmes said: "We still have more goodness coming down the pipe, including the ability to browse and join live custom games on both Windows 10 PC and Xbox One, the introduction of more maps into the Warzone Firefight rotation, new Forge canvases, an improved spectator experience, and more. In addition to new experiences and features for both 'Halo 5' and 'Halo 5: Forge,' we're also working on matchmaking and server improvements. Look for more details on what's still to come in the not-so-distant future."

Currently, the studio is already working on ways to improve the game's matchmaking ability. Additional work is also being performed on the server side to make it more efficient, which equates to a better gaming experience for the multiplayer aspect of the game. Though no specific dates were mentioned in the post, things could get even better before the year ends.

"Halo 5: Guardians" have already received several DLCs for the past year. Fans have been enjoying more than nine expansions that were released, for free. These have brought in a total of 15 new maps, six game modes, and numerous Spartan items, according to Gamespot.

The latest "Halo" first-person shooter game can be enjoyed via the Xbox One.