'Halo 5: Guardians' news: Leveling system explained by game developers

[photo: YouTube Screen Capture/Halo]

'Halo 5: Guardians' is expected to his shelves by Oct. 27 for Xbox One but this early, it would be best to take note of the tips for players who plan to get into the game.

One aspect of the game that most players will likely find interesting is the PvP mode called War Zone. A leveling system will be put into place to even out the playing field but the question now is how does one exactly build up their REQ to make sure that their level is sufficient enough when compared to other powerful players?

 At the start, there will surely be some players who will dread facing stronger players. But given some time, all that could be somehow evened. And thanks to some tips on how to go about it from 343 Industries, players could very well level up to perhaps level nine in less than 15 minutes as long as they aim for the medals.

The best way to cop medals is to, of course, kill the game bosses. The stronger ones are found in standard and legendary classes. For example, conquering a legendary boss will be equivalent to 150 victory points while a typical one returns only 25.

Large bonuses are given to the ones who successfully land a kill shot, although small REQ level bonuses are also available for anyone who engages in the altercation.

There is also another class of bosses called Minions. These are more of the aides of the bosses. Taking them down first will help weaken the main boss and by doing so earns REQ bonuses as well.

In summary, continuous game play will be the key toward leveling up. Of course, facing off against the bosses could become a bit crowded as a lot of players are expected to emphatically try and bring up their REQ.

Hence, patience and continuous fighting of even smaller foes (like the Minions for one) could be an alternate way, although it could take some time.

Alternatively, completing several smaller tasks by being a leader in one large battle could also work.

Check out a sample of the campaign mission Swords of Sanghelios below: