'Halo 5: Guardians': After beta stage, major revisions included in game

Screengrab from the upcoming "Halo 5: Guardians" game from 343 Industries.halowaypoint.com

It seems like 343 Industries is trying to do its best to please the players of "Halo 5: Guardians" as the company revised the gameplay based on the suggestions gathered during the beta phase on Xbox One. 

Based on the stats that was collected during player testing, about 20 million matches were played during the beta phase. At least 290 gameplay years were logged and more than 181 million kills were recorded. 

During the beta launch, many avid fans of the "Halo" series were surprised to see that the fifth installment of the video game franchise removed the limited running motion that was seen in other titles, including "Halo 4" and Halo: Reach." This means that the speed of the game was increased significantly. However, not all players reacted positively to the drastic change. 

"Halo 5" executive producer Josh Holmes explained the result of the beta testing in a post in "Halo's" blog, saying that the team from 343 Industries chose to concentrate on the paces of the gameplay as well as the abilities of the Spartans for the "Halo 5: Guardians" game. 

According to Holmes, "Despite the fact that the intro and victory sequences in particular seemed to be universally loved by Halo bros, we weren't 100 percent satisfied with the tone of these moments in the game." 

After the beta phase, the revised Spartan abilities reportedly has increased base speed, increased strafe acceleration, lessened top sprint speed, improved Ground Pound controls that helps stop conflicts with crouch jumping, as well as general tuning and bug fixes for all Spartan Abilities. Other revisions on the game can be found in its presentation, competitive skill ranking, as well as its matchmaking functions. Holmes also said that "Halo" players should expect to see lesser chest bumps and high fives in the final sequences of the game. 

The executive producer also thanked the beta participants, saying, "The feedback we have received from all of you has been invaluable in helping us to improve our game. On behalf of the entire Halo 5: Guardians team, we thank you for your support." 

"Halo 5: Guardians" will be exclusively released by 343 Industries on Xbox One later this year.