'Halo 5: Guardians: Warzone Firefight' update release date: update offers new features, new attack mode and new canvas

Halo 5 - Hog Wild update343 Industries

The creators for the new "Halo 5: Guardians" recently provided an update that included new multiplayer maps, modes, achievements, skins, armors, vehicles and more. This update, named the "Warzone Firefight" update, also includes new features, a campaign score attack mode and a new canvas for its Forge toolkit. Vine Report mentions that unlike previous maps and modes where the players are ordered to fight against each other, the players now focus their arms solely against the aliens while also defending their own.

According to Yibada, 343 Industries revealed a lot about "Halo 5's" multiplayer mode on their latest weekly teaser, including a map titled Prospect. This new multiplayer map is set in a mining facility, with items and features like scaffolding and dugout locations. These new features will add different aspects to the gameplay.

In Prospect, the players are immediately dropped in the area and ordered to attack those defending the area. There are flank paths available in the new area to be used for the player's advantage. Both scaffolding and trenches are easily used as both cover and attack material for any situation. The Warzone Firefight update also includes a new Forge map editing tool named Tidal. This canvas is set in a coastal location.

Polygon mentions that "Halo 5's" previous update was "Hog Wild", which was released at the end of May. This update also added various weapon mods and vehicles that users were happy to receive. However, the previous update didn't include maps, so gamers are quite enthusiastic about trying out the update for the first time. Prospect isn't the only map available in the new update, either: there will also be two other new maps expected to be unveiled in the next few weeks. This update will also include a new boss enemy unit, named the Grunt Goblin, and a new UNSC vehicle. 343 Industries hasn't announced an official release date yet, but they did indicate that the "Warzone Firefight" update will be out very soon.