'Halo 5' news: 343 Industries wants to balance multiplayer mode even further


Game publisher 343 industries is about to make some additional changes to the "Halo 5" multiplayer mode. The game is already considered one of the best multiplayer games out there, but the company wants to make the first-person shooter game even better.

The company recently announced on its Halowaypoint community blog the changes set to happen on "Halo 5." Many of these changes are based on feedback from players, collected by the team over the past few months.

Chris Proctor, the company's senior systems designer, enumerated players' issues, and some are:

  • Starting with the Warden, where many players have been complaining about the difficulty spike specially on the triple-Warden fight
  • Single player is too easy, while two-player coop proves more difficult than it seems
  • Opponents such as the Covenant are easier to kill than Forerunner as well as Elites when a squad encounters one; same goes with the Grunts and Jackals.

Proctor, added the following for its remedy:

  • Warden attacks will be easier to dodge, easier on lower level players, Face Beam will be less accurate and front armor of the Warden will be trimmed down.
  • Difficulty on single player will be raised, while two-player difficulty will be toned down
  • Durability of the opponents will slightly be increased

AI players will also be receiving some tweaks, which should make acting better than before and their weapons used. AI Storm Rifle, Suppressor and Light Rifle will be more effective together with the Plasma Pistol, Needler and Beam Rifle.

The new modes that were recently released were also suggested by the fans, namely Assault and Grifball. Players can expect these changes when the "Memories of Reach" update rolls out in early May. The next update will also include the Infection mode, another request from players.

"Halo 5" is available for the Xbox One.