'Halo 5' news: New Forge playlist now out

Twitter courtesy of Halo

"Halo 5" players are getting a treat, as the first playlist made up solely of Forge maps is now available.

The new playlist, known as Community Breakout, contains a variety of maps that were made by "Halo 5" players, GameSpot reported.

All the maps were also made using the creation tools that players had access to in the game's Forge mode.

There are 10 maps in total included in the Community Breakout playlist, and the ones featured are said to be the top ones available, according to 343 Industries.

"Halo 5" players can also, apparently, try out a variety of game modes via the new playlist.

Players who prefer to take part in 4v4 battles will be able to do so, while those who enjoy Big Team Battles will also be able to appreciate the playlist.

Players can even take part in mini games while using the maps provided in the Community Breakout playlist.

As for the maps themselves, the selection includes Absolute, a map made by Black Picture, and also Apparition, which is a creation of II Sethiroth II and Warholic.

"Halo 5" players can also try out Canal by Classy Moth and Vorked Manback as well as Deadcenter, which is a map engineered by Solo XIII.

Gamers can also select Epicenter by A Chunk and Xxandrith as well as Havoc, which is a solo creation by II Sethiroth II.

The "Halo 5" community can also try out Highrise, a map made by Randy 355. Overpass is also another option for players, and this one is another creation by Solo XIII.

Pylon is yet another option for "Halo 5" players, and this map was made by DarkPrince909. The last map included in the Community Breakout playlist is none other than Simulation, a map made by Berserk on XBL and Lil Black Bubba.

There's also an announcement from 343 Industries stating that it will let "Halo 5" players vote for their own favorite maps, and the ones chosen will then be included in next month's Breakout playlist.