'Halo 6' release date news: Next major sequel won't be out until 2018

343 Industries

Although Microsoft has yet to officially confirm a sequel to the "Halo" franchise, most fans are already expecting "Halo 6." However, they may have to wait a bit longer for a follow-up, since the next game is expected to appear in 2018 at the earliest.

According to The Bitbag, while not directly saying that the game is already in the works, developer 343 Industries did hint that they already have something in mind for "Halo 6."

Game director Frank O'Connor has been quoted as saying, "We do kind of know what's going to happen in the next game pretty well at this point." In addition, O'Connor also stated that "Halo 6" will not be the end of the franchise, since they consider the series "to continue through the next 20 years."

The game director even claimed that as one of the big-name franchises from Microsoft, the staying power of the "Halo" series can be likened to other triple-A titles like "Star Wars." This means that beyond "Halo 6," fans can still expect additional sequels expanding the series into more than the originally-planned "Reclaimer" trilogy.

Meanwhile, although "Halo 6" is still far in the horizon, 343 Industries is also hinting that the next sequels for the franchise may have cross-platform features. This has been one of the biggest questions for "Halo 6," if the upcoming game will have the Play Anywhere support from Microsoft. With the title under the program, players will only have to get one copy of the game for either the Xbox One or the PC in Windows 10 platform, and can play the title seamlessly across the two platforms. However, it is said that among upcoming Microsoft titles, only those that were showcased at the Electronic Entertainment Expo 2016 will have the Play Anywhere feature. "Halo 6" was a no-show at the said trade show.