Hamas Arrests Army of Islam Leader in Alan Johnston Abduction Case

Hamas security forces have captured members of the Palestinian militant group Army of Islam, who are thought to be holding abducted BBC correspondent Alan Johnston.

A statement released by the Hamas interior ministry said: "The arrests were carried out after all negotiation attempts... failed to free the abducted journalist."

It added: "The arrests are targeting figures who were involved in the abduction of the journalist."

The development comes as the BBC prepares to hold a rally marking the 16th week since his abduction took place in Gaze on 12 March.

It has been reported that Khattab al-Maqdisi, a spokesman of the Army of Islam group, is among those being held.

A Hamas spokesperson has said that al-Maqdisi was injured and captured after he opened fire on security forces in Gaza City.

The news following the recent release of a video showing Alan Johnston wearing what he describes as an explosive vest.

In the video, which was released by the kidnappers on the internet, Johnston says: "The situation now is very serious. As you can see I have been dressed in what is an explosive belt, which the kidnappers say will be detonated if there was any attempt to storm this area."

He added: "Captors tell me that very promising negotiations were ruined when the Hamas movement and the British Government decided to press for a military solution to this kidnapping."

Hamas has threatened to "use all means to secure" the freedom of Alan Johnston.