'Happy!' season 1 episode 7 spoilers: Sax makes last push to save Hailey

A promotional photo of "Happy!" from Syfy.Syfy official website

In the next episode of "Happy!," ex-cop Nick Sax (Christopher Meloni), with the help of the little blue horse Happy (voiced by Patton Oswalt), make one last push to save Hailey (Bryce Lorenzo).

The trailer and promotional photos for the upcoming installment, which is titled "Destroyer of Worlds," were just released recently, and they show Sax and Happy going after a lead to the whereabouts of his daughter Hailey. They enlist the help of Detective Meredith McCarthy (Lili Mirojnick) who they can count on to catch the perpetrators.

The three are after Mr. Scaramucci a.k.a. Mr. Blue (Ritchie Coster) who is behind the kidnapping of little kids including Hailey. Apparently, he hired the nefarious Very Bad Santa (Joseph D. Reitman) to snatch the children and place them in a secret hideout. Sax and Happy manage to track the criminals down in a large, vacant studio.

They put up a fight and start shooting at the thugs, but Sax ends up getting captured by Blue's brutal henchman Smoothie (Patrick Fischler). He ties Sax hands behind his back and places him in front of the camera. "Smile!" he says to the beat-up and bloodied Sax. It remains to be seen if they will be able to escape the henchmen and save the kids from whatever Blue has prepared for them.

In the last episode, Sax and Happy were both in dire predicaments when they got captured by their enemies. Evidently, they both were tied up, tortured, and about to be killed, when Happy heard Sax's voice through the vent. Happy was thrilled to hear the ex-cop admit that he missed him, so the blue horse got rejuvenated and escaped the torture room. He then saved Sax from his captors and was reunited with him.

"Happy!" season 1 episode 7 will hit the airwaves on Wednesday, Jan. 24, at 10 p.m. EST on the Syfy channel.