Harvey Weinstein asked Netflix $25 million to save himself from a number of sexual accusations

Harvey Weinstein back in 2012Reuters/ Carlo Allegri

Film mogul Harvey Weinstein apparently asked Netflix for $25 million before the scandalous accusations against him broke out. Several reports indicate that the money he asked was supposed to be emergency funds for his deteriorating career.

As exclusively reported by Page Six, Weinstein received an early tip off that journalist Ronan Farrow and The New York Times are working on articles to target him and the sexual misconducts he committed. The report also revealed that Weinstein will use the money to silence his accusers and bury the entire controversy, which is now one of the biggest reveals in the history of Hollywood.

Page Six's source said, "Clearly Harvey didn't go to Netflix saying he needed 'hush money.' He put it into a business context, saying he was looking to sell the right to parts of his catalog. But they were wise to decline."

Weinstein's schemes to erase the scandal were all futile. Farrow released an article to The New York Times detailing all of Weinstein's plot to discredit his accusers. The plan clearly backfired with a number of women coming together to bring Weinstein down.

The Weinstein scandal has also fueled other sexual harassment cases inside Hollywood and has encouraged victims to speak out, both males and females.

Weinstein's accusers or victims include many big names in the film industry like Gwyneth Paltrow and Rose McGowan.

Many people are now waiting for the Black silent protest to be conducted during the upcoming Golden Globe event by a number of world-renowned actresses including Oscar recipient Meryl Streep. However, McGowan, who is among the victims of Weinstein, slammed the protest. McGowan called out Streep and other who are planning to rally behind the protest that a silent salvo is a sign of hypocrisy.

McGowan then received backlash from few fellow stars and from the public. Streep herself addressed McGowan's statement. "The Post" actress released a statement to Huffington Post saying, "It hurt to be attacked by Rose McGowan in banner headlines this weekend, but I want to let her know I did not know about Weinstein's crimes."