Head of Church Mission Society to be new Bishop of Truro

The next Bishop of Truro has been announced as Rev Philip Mounstephen, currently head of Church Mission Society.

He was previously chaplain of St Michael's Church, Paris, and before that worked for the Church Pastoral Aid Society in a number of roles, serving as deputy general director from 2004 to 2007. Now aged 59, he was ordained in 1988.

Rev Canon Philip Mounstephen has family roots in Cornwall.

He said of his appointment: 'I am absolutely delighted to have been called to lead the Diocese of Truro in mission and ministry. With my family roots in Cornwall I am very well aware of what a rich Christian heritage we have. I rejoice in Cornwall's strong sense of identity and I look forward under God into leading us in what I hope and pray will be a fruitful and exciting future.'

CMS's chair of trustees, Charles Clayton, said: 'The trustees and staff of Church Mission Society are thrilled to know that Philip has been chosen to be the next bishop of Truro, even though we will miss him dearly at CMS. Philip has contributed enormously to the success of the organisation, leading it expertly and in the process serving the whole church in its mission. He will leave with our love and appreciation for his dedicated service and godly ministry.'

The appointment was welcomed by the Bishop of St Germans, Rt Rev Dr Chris Goldsmith, who has been acting Bishop of Truro since the departure of Bishop Tim Thornton. He said: 'I am delighted to welcome Philip on behalf of the Diocese of Truro. He clearly brings a great deal of energy and expertise, both in terms of his experience of parish and chaplaincy ministry and as somebody who has been a successful leader of a large and complex mission agency.'

Mounstephen will begin his role early in 2019 following his consecration as bishop on November 30, 2018.