Head of Sudan EA Grateful for British Christians

British Christians have received a warm thank you from Sudan's Evangelical Alliance president, Bishop Elias Taban, for their contributions that made possible a new hospital in the war-torn country.

Bishop Taban, a former child soldier, was returning to the UK a year after his previous visit to Britain when he asked for £65,000 to build a hospital in war-torn southern Sudan.

Speaking to Premier Radio regarding the "almost completed hospital", he reported that Sudan had just recently received a forty foot container packed with medical supplies.

"We started building this hospital in an area where the community is marginalised. The people there have never been thought about. We now how 50 beds and will serve a population of 300,000 people," Taban explained.

He continued: "God is on the move, the church is growing. We are very grateful for the churches in the UK for praying with us and supporting us practically through donations and church planting."