How to Protect Your Children from the Internet?

Whilst, the Christian online social network, flourishes, its secular alternative, is now facing many fears overs it's safety as court proceedings begin over an alleged sexual assualt by one of its users on another.

|PIC1|In response to this increasing rise in alarming behaviour, a couple of classroom teachers, Julie and Brian Dixon, have now produced a DVD resource to combat what they see as a dangerous trend, made worse by the increasing rise in internet usage by the youth.

"Parents are hearing the horrors of the Internet at every turn, but scary stories don't tell them how to protect their kids," said Julie Dixon, co-producer of the Healthy Habits Videos. "We're here to help parents go from scared to prepared."

Their DVD resource outlines ways which require just a little effort and money, but help keep their children safe online. Already, many youth experts are warning parents to be involved in their child's online activity.

"We as parents have to be involved," said Bob Waliszewski, director of Youth Culture at Focus on the Family.

"The Internet and Your Kids: Healthy Habits for Your Online Home," is available now on the Healthy Habits Videos website. It contains a number of protective measures that that parents can take to provide safety for their children - an entire section in the resource is devoted to MySpace alone.

"The majority of my students use MySpace," said Brian in a released statement, "but their parents don't know where to start to protect their kids."

Pointing your kids to is certainly worth considering. Established, partly in response to the fears over — features all the resources and usefulness of with a Christ-centred theme in its fellowships, relationships and social gatherings within its network.

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