Here's how you should respond to divine delays


Delays are very uncomfortable, given that our generation is the one that enjoys the convenience of many things instant. We have instant coffee, instant noodles, and instant meals available for us in many stores. Even messaging, which used to take weeks many decades ago, now happens lightning fast at the touch of a "send" button. Yes, delays are not so welcome to our lives.

Divine delays, however, are a totally different thing. Although they might frustrate and irritate us, understanding what they were meant for and seeing what outcome they might produce will actually help us appreciate the beauty of waiting on God for His miracles and goodness.

Have you ever faced a certain delay that got you irritated? Or are the answers to your prayers being obviously delayed? Here are some ways you should respond to divine delays.

1) Allow it to refine your character

Friends, "God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them." (see Romans 8:28)

This simply means that when there's a delay, God is using that for His purposes, and we should let Him.

One key reason why there's that delay is that God is slowly moulding us into the character of Christ, who is the best example of a patient man. It took Him 30 years before starting His earthly ministry, three years before He could get crucified for our sins, three days before He was raised from the grave, and some more time before His second coming. If He learned to wait patiently, we should, too.

2. Allow it to develop your persistence in seeking God

If we read the story of Daniel, we will find that he also experienced a delay caused by the enemy. In Daniel 10, we read Daniel being visited by an angel who was sent by God in response to his prayers. The angel, however, was delayed by the enemy for 21 days – the exact number of days that Daniel kept praying to God for his request.

In the same way that Daniel grew persistent until the answer to his prayers arrived, we have to allow divine delays to help us persistently seek God. We shouldn't grow weary because of delays. Rather, delays should cause us to persistently wait on God.

3. Allow it to enhance your trust in God in bad times

Delays are also opportunities for us to grow our trust in the Lord, who is in control of all things, even if circumstances seem to favor the wicked. David tells us in Psalm 37:7,

"Be still in the presence of the Lord, and wait patiently for him to act. Don't worry about evil people who prosper or fret about their wicked schemes."