'Heroes of the Storm' patch introduces new hero


The latest patch for "Heroes of the Storm" finally introduces Cho'gall into the game's roster.

Cho'gall was first introduced to fans during BlizzCon, Lazygamer reported, and even back then, he stood out as one of the most unique characters in the game.

Cho'gall stands out in the game mainly because he is the only character who actually requires two different players to control. 

One player will take control of Cho, who terrorizes opponents on the battlefield through his strength and wide range of abilities capable of dealing significant amounts of damage. Cho's abilities range from area of effect attacks, such as Consuming Blaze as well as those that are designed to help power up his partner in crime, such as Upheaval, according to Battle.net.

The second player will be taking on Gall, who Gall is focused more on dealing heaps of damage to his foes, as evidenced by the fact that he is immune to silence and stun. This unique quality of his enables him to launch his full arsenal of attacks undeterred, provided that he does not succumb first to the might of his opponents.

Cho'gall will be handed out free to those who attended this year's BlizzCon, which ran last Nov. 6–7, and also those who purchased a virtual ticket for the event. The good news is that Cho'gall will also be a permanent addition to the collections of those fans, also according to Battle.net.

Aside from Cho'gall, the latest patch will also be adding the new Towers of Doom battleground.

Towers of Doom has some unique features as well, such as the cores that are protected by impregnable barriers as well as Bell Towers that can align with either team, dependent upon what happens during battle.

Towers of Doom is so far only available in the Public Testing Realm of "Heroes of the Storm," and it will remain there until the testing draws to a close on Nov. 24.