'Heroes Reborn' trailer: Sneak peek shows more confident Hiro Nakamura


The first trailer for the upcoming "Heroes" reboot was released by NBC, and it features some of the most loved characters of the original series. 

In the 60-second preview, the aftermath of the Odessa tragedy can still be felt one year after the fated terrorist attack. Since the world blamed them for the incident, those who possess superhuman powers chose to go into hiding. But it seems like their lives will never be safe. 

The trailer opens with the familiar voice of Dr. Mohinder Suresh (Sendhil Ramamurthy), saying: 

"Where does it come from? This quest. This need... to solve life's mysteries when the simplest of questions can never be answered. Perhaps we would be better off not looking at all, not delving. But that's human nature." 

The new trailer also shows more action-packed scenes and the mysteries behind the tragic event that ended the original "Heroes" series. Toward the later part of the video, fan-favorite character Hiro Nakamura (Masi Oka) is seen reaching out for a broken glass. But unlike the cheerful and eagerly-excited Japanese character in the original series, the Hiro of "Heroes Reborn" is confident, focused, and seems to be constantly prepared for battle. 

Hiro and the other individuals who possess extraordinary powers had to go off grid because they were being blamed for the bloody tragedy that happened in Odessa, Texas. A terrorist attack almost wiped off the entire town in an instant. To stay safe from those who were running after them after losing loved ones as well as the ruthless entities who were bent on annihilating them in the first place, the "heroes" had to live new lives away from other people. 

Other actors rejoining the cast in "Heroes Reborn" include Jack Coleman to reprise his role as Noah Bennet, Jimmy Jean-Louis as The Haitian, Greg Grunberg as Matt Parkman, as well as Noah Gray-Cabey as Micah Sanders. 

"Heroes Reborn" is slated to premiere with the episode titled "Awakening" on Thursday, Sept. 24, on NBC.