High school janitor stocked closet with food and clothes to help needy students

(PHOTO: Pixabay)

High school janitor Carolyn Collins is not the kind of person who would let a child in need pass by without offering to help.

Collins, who works at Tucker High School in Georgia, lost her son after he was murdered in a home invasion robbery. Because of this tragedy, she became determined not to let any child fall under the trap of crime.

Her humanitarian spirit kicked in three years ago after a couple of students approached her for help, according to Faith Wire. They told her they had nowhere to go, and despite having minimal resources, Collins decided to help them.

She later came up with the idea of transforming one of school's closets into a supply room, which she filled to the brim with food, clothing, and other resources students might need. Now, her brainstorm supports around 30 kids a year.

"These are our babies. They want to learn, and some of them are sleeping in cars, some of them are sleeping in hotels, and I just want to take care of them," Collins told 11 Alive. "I'm just trying to stop our young boys from stealing and killing. They are homeless, and they are crying out for help and love. I'm trying to give them all they need in this closet, so they don't have to go out and try to steal or take from anyone."

Collins does not only wait for the students to come to her for help, since she keeps her eye out for the ones who are hiding their abuse or neglect. She even enlisted some of the teachers to spot kids whose families are down on their luck.

"I tell the teachers a lot, if you see a child always with their head down, with the same clothes on day after day, let me know!" she said.

Collins buys all the stuff in the closet with her own money, which is a huge sacrifice. But a lot of people are now offering to help since her story is being shared more. And for the janitor, helping the kids out has its own rewards. "I'm doing something for the kids every day. It is part of my job," she said.