'Hitman: Episode 3' release date: 'Marrakesh' launches May 31

Hitman 2016IO Interactive

IO Interactive has announced that episode 3 of "Hitman," titled "Marrakesh," will launch for the PS4, Xbox One and PC this coming May 31. As stated in a report from the Playstation Blog, the game will follow the series of events that took place in the first two episodes which were set in Paris and Sapienza. 

According to IO Interactive's community manager Travis Barbour, the game will be set in Morocco and guarantees that the setting will be filled with a lot of things for players to do. The setting is also designed to be as organic and lively as possible, ensuring that it feels like a living, breathing place with an active community. 

While in Morocco the player will have two primary targets to take down in the "Gilded Cage" mission that this episode offers. The first is a private banker named Claus Strandberg and the second is General Reza Zaydan. Reaching and terminating the two targets will not be an easy task, however.

The report points that Strandberg is securely kept in the Swedish Consulate building while Zaydan will be protected by his own elite squad and is currently staying in a temporary headquarters located in the very heart of the city.

It is explained that the setting of Episode 3 "Marrakesh" will be exquisite and beautiful due to the wide variety of building designs and interior decor, guaranteeing that the game never feels artificial and mundane. In order to deliver on these promises, "Marrakesh" will introduce new Elusive Targets and Escalation Contracts. 

According to a report from Gamespot, it is expected for the game to launch with a $10 price tag. Players can get the full package for $60, which guarantees access to all six episodes as they release. It is undetermined if IO Interactive will launch a new special version of the game with all episodes and bonus content once all episodes have been released.