'Homeland' season 5 plot spoilers, premiere: No concrete air date yet this fall

The fourth season of "Homeland" finished quietly, and while it is still unknown when exactly the fifth season will be aired, it will most likely premiere this fall. Showtime did confirm that the series will return with another batch of 12 episodes. 

As for the plot, the fourth season did not leave a lot of exciting cliffhangers and twists but simply set all of the stories aligned for the next season. One thing that fans of the series can expect though: the show will most likely stay away from Muslim stories and Islamic terrorists next season, probably brought about by the current uproar of Islamic terrorists. 

"Where they're going to go next year is a little bit up in the air. We're not necessarily going to stay now and forever [focusing on] U.S. relations in the Muslim world. It's a show ultimately about U.S. foreign policy, U.S. intelligence in the 21st century at a very difficult time. So we're exploring a few different possibilities and may change it up a little bit," said Showtime's President David Nevins to critics at the Television Critics Association's semi-annual press tour, as quoted by Entertainment Weekly

Since its release in 2011, "Homeland" focused on Muslim extremists and Middle East terrorists in Israel. However, with the news of Muslim extremist making the international headlines and angering the allied nations, added up with the recent Charlie Hebdo shooting in France and North Korea's alleged hacking of Sony, the media is wise enough not to touch on this sensitive subject. 

This signifies that a new villain is coming next season. The producers and writers are thinking of a new antagonist for CIA case officer Carrie Mathison (Claire Danes). Nevins also confirmed that amidst criticisms, the show will not be prevented from tackling the international issues.