Homeless Advocate and Author Joins World Vision's 30 Hour Famine

Homeless advocate, Mike Yankoski, author of the groundbreaking book, Under the Overpass, will appear at one of United State's largest churches in Pacific Northwest, Overlake Christian Church in Redmond in Washington, as part of World Vision's 30 Hour Famine nationwide campaign.

Yankoski will be fasting for 30 hours with hundreds of area youth to support World Vision.

In 2005, the author temporarily dropped out of college to live on the streets of six American cities. His goal was to better understand the hunger and despair that millions of homeless experience every day. Depending on the generosity of strangers, Mike's five-month odyssey was eye opening, life threatening and ultimately inspirational. Today, Yankoski challenges youth to live a life of faith and significance.

Hunger and preventable diseases claim the lives of 29,000 of the world's children a day, with 852 million people going hungry each day. Nearly three billion people worldwide live on less than $2 a day.

From 23 to 24 February, half a million American teens will participate in the 16th annual 30 Hour Famine, forsaking food for 30 hours to get a taste of what the world's poor face everyday.

Prior to the event weekend, teens raise funds by explaining that $30 a month can feed and care for a child for a month.

"The 30 Hour Famine has a lasting impact, not just on the children receiving food but on participants who view their own potential to affect change," said Debbie Diederich, US director of the World Vision 30 Hour Famine. "Since 1992, 30 Hour Famine has raised more than $80 million, representing countless saved lives."

Last year alone, 30 Hour Famine raised $11.6 million. This year's goal is $12 million.

The 30 Hour Famine event already took place in the UK last week, 9-11 February, with support from celebrities such as popular British rock star Lil' Chris, TV favourites Nikki Sanderson, Debra Stephenson and Sarah Jayne Dunn, along with upcoming band, The Holloways.