Hope Academy 2008 to find next big Christian music artist

In 2008, Saltmine Trust and Open Doors will commence a search across the UK for fresh Christian musical talent.

The new initiative invites singers, groups and bands who believe they have what it takes to be the next big name in Christian music to come to 'Hope Academy'.

Regional auditions for the outreach will be held in early 2008, in London, Norwich, Birmingham, Bath, Manchester, Liverpool, Newcastle, Edinburgh, Belfast and Cardiff.

The auditions will be open to two age groups: the first from 11 to 17 years olds, and the second from 18 to 35 years olds.

Those who are successful at the audition stage will be invited to attend a training weekend in the West Midlands and given professional vocal and performance tuition.

Hope Academy will reach its climax at the 'Grand Finale' competition, which will be held in a London West End Theatre in May 2008.

Hopefuls will be looking to win one of the various prizes on offer, including a chance to perform at the Cave Church in Cairo with Open Doors, as well as performance opportunities with Saltmine and Open Doors, and the recording and production of their best song on a music video.

For more information on Hope Academy please visit: www.saltmine.org/hopeacademy