HOPE brings churches together in prayer and fasting

Christians from across the UK will be praying together for the church and nation this September.

Prayer has been in the headlines this year and Christians are uniting for a cascade of prayer throughout the Olympic torch relay and the Games over the summer.

To cap it all off, Christians of all denominations will be heading to Wembley Stadium for the National Day of Prayer on 29 September.

HOPE's All Praying Together initiative will be tapping into that momentum when it takes place from 7 to 9 September.

Roy Crowne, Executive Director of HOPE said: "We know we have a powerful God and that prayer can change situations. As ambassadors of God’s heavenly kingdom let’s be praying as well as responding to needs in our villages, towns and cities.

"All Praying Together focuses on prayer for God to renew the Church, equipping us to reach out into our communities in words and action."

The initiative was inspired by the prophetic words of Jesus House senior pastor Agu Irukwu who told the HOPE leaders' forum last year that "unity is on God's heart at this point in time".

Pastor Agu has contributed an article on prayer and fasting to "HOPE for Harvest", the latest book published by HOPE to encourage churches to do more, together in mission, in words and actions.

He writes: "The more seriously we approach prayer and fasting, the more serious the results we will experience in our missional journey."

To keep up-to-date with news and resources being put together for the weekend of prayer, visit: