'House of Cards' season 4 news: Kevin Spacey hints at characters' fate


"House of Cards" season 4 has already entered production but very few details have yet emerged regarding plot and character arcs. However, actor Kevin Spacey recently spoke with Naples Daily News where he discussed acting on stage after the success of "American Beauty" and then gave a clue regarding "House of Cards."

Spacey explained that he did not want to give away any specific spoilers and that there are still people interested in seeing the show but have yet to watch season 1 and onwards. With that in mind, he gave a vague clue as to what fans can expect in season 4.

"I will simply say this," the actor stated. "If there are events that happen on the show, people get what they (expletive) deserve."

Speaking almost completely in character, Spacey's statement seems to indicate that characters will be killed off in the upcoming season. The series has notably gone a much darker route since the first season, with season 2 immediately killing off a female key character and the show has never looked back since.

As previously reported, it is hinted that Doug Stamper (Michael Kelly) may be killed off after failing Frank Underwood (Spacey) one time after another. It was also speculated that Frank Underwood himself might be killed off if this proves to be the final season of the show, given that in the original U.K. version the character died during the finale.

While less likely, there is also the theory flying around that Underwood's wife, Claire (Robin Wright), may be killed off this season. During the season 3 finale she left Frank, stating that she had gotten bored with him and that they were officially now against each other, and he may end up killing her since she knows all of his political crimes and secrets.

"House of Cards" season 4 will premiere in early 2016.