'House of Cards' season 4 plot: Frank Underwood is just getting started

Twitter/House of Cards

Frank Underwood is prepared to do "anything for America." The presidential candidate has started his campaign for the upcoming elections with posters, slogans and a special ad campaign, which doubles as the first trailer for "House of Cards" season 4.

"America, I'm only getting started," Underwood, played by Kevin Spacey, states in the said TV spot, which was aired during the commercial break of the GOP debate on CNN. In the clip, America is promised more job opportunities and security with the people as the priority.

According to FTW, while the clip shows and guarantees a bright new day, this could also mark Frank's attempt to get back on his feet (in season 3, he was a bit of a mess) and execute the usual amount of evil he was always fond of doing come "House of Cards" season 4.

Netflix also put up a dedicated website for Frank that contains more information about the politician's vision for the state. On this website, Underwood promises "progress, forward momentum and getting things done" to the citizens of United States.

"I have no patience for useless things – like political gridlock and stagnation. And neither should you. Join me. Let's roll up our sleeves together. Let's plow through the stubborn and small-minded and send Washington a message loud and clear," the website reads.

The website also has a page for Frank's (former) wife Claire. However, users accessing it will be greeted by an error message that says "Claire not found," alluding to the character's decision to leave and walk out on her husband in the middle of the campaign.

The presidential campaign and election in "House of Cards" season 4 will be held around the same time as the real election in the United States to make it more real and for fans to feel that the next chapter of Frank's life (with or without Claire) is larger-than-life.

"House of Cards" season 4 officially hits Netflix on March 4, 2016.