Houston Rockets roster news 2015: Ty Lawson pushing to get back on track

Ty LawsonReuters

Ty Lawson is currently undergoing rehab as mandated for a driving under the influence (DUI) charge, his second in seven months. Once done, Lawson will be donning the Houston Rockets jersey; and future teammate and close friend James Harden is convinced that Lawson will bounce back strong from this sorry episode of his NBA career.

Lawson was signed up by the Rockets in a move seen to address the team's lack of depth in the point guard position. It was earlier on believed that the Rockets were making a big gamble enlisting the troubled guard; but Harden believes otherwise.

In fact, Harden believes that Lawson was tailor-made for the Rockets, singling out Lawson's speed and playmaking ability, which will benefit the team as a whole. To sum it all up, the Rockets don't seem to care less about the DUI episode that Lawson is currently facing; and that they intend to have his back until he is deemed fit to get back on the hardwood.

Lawson is currently serving a 30-day stay in rehab; and from the looks of it, Lawson is doing just fine. He will reappear before the court on Aug. 20; and hopefully, such will put an end to the off court issues that he has been having.

"Ty is definitely going to help us," Harden said during a break in the Kroger Unplug and Play James Harden Basketball ProCamp.

Once cleared, Lawson will have a big responsibility on his shoulders as he tries to help in getting things organized and hopefully, blend in well with stars like Harden and Dwight Howard.

Aside from that, Lawson will be out to prove that he remains one of the elite guards the NBA has to date, not to mention someone who can rebound from problems such as DUI. Will he live up to his word? Well, at this point, his friend and teammate James Harden seems to be convinced that he will.