Houston Rockets 2015 rumors: Ty Lawson puts in extra work

Ty LawsonReuters

Ty Lawson is entering the National Basketball Association (NBA) regular season with some dark clouds around him but it looks like the 27-year-old point guard is shunning that all away and is instead focusing on getting himself in the best shape possible.

Before he landed in Houston, it will be recalled that Lawson had his off-court issues. Such included driving under the influence (DUI) charges that saw him undergo rehab before suiting up with the Rockets.

While that part of his life is still under close watch, it seems that Lawson has diverted his attention elsewhere like to putting in additional work at the Houston Rockets facilities.

The report comes from Jenny Dial Creech of the Houston Chronicle who reveals that Lawson has been spending most of his nights working out and such should be welcome news for Rockets fans.

This somehow indicates that Lawson is entering the 2015–16 season motivated but perhaps with also something to prove after being shipped by the Denver Nuggets in the offseason.

In Houston, it remains to be seen on whether Lawson will start or play behind Patrick Beverly.

After being used to being the go-to-guy, Lawson's place in Houston will be a bit different. He joins a team that has two established stars already in James Harden and Dwight Howard which means that he is expected to do his share but not as tedious during his time with the Nuggets.

Whatever role he is given, his coming is seen as something positive since the Rockets were pretty much problematic last season due to point guard woes.

Patrick Beverly got taken out early due to injury and the gaping hole in the point guard position told on the Rockets in the postseason.

This time, however, the Rockets could be entirely different. And considering that the team is grouped up in a highly competitive Western Conference, the arrival of Lawson should be a big help to the Rocket's campaign this coming 2015–16 NBA season.