How God Uses Bad Leaders to Refine Us


The Bible says that God has a purpose for everything, even the installation of bad leaders. This might be hard for some to believe, but the truth remains the same: "The Lord has made everything for its purpose, even the wicked for the day of trouble." (Proverbs 16:4)

'...Even the Wicked...'

Daniel 2:21 tells us that God "changes the times and the seasons; He removes kings and raises up kings." He puts them there because He has an intended purpose, and that is to show Himself.

Consider what God told the Pharaoh in Moses' time: "But indeed for this purpose I have raised you up, that I may show My power in you, and that My name may be declared in all the earth." (see Exodus 9:16; also Romans 9:17)

We all know that the pharaoh in Moses' time treated the Israelites as slaves, and he never really showed any fear of God. Yet we know that at the end of it all, God was able to effectively show us His might through His rescue of Israel.

In the same way, our seemingly bad leaders today are in position simply because God wants to do something to His people – to point them to Christ and bring them to Christ-likeness.

Here are some ways how God uses bad leaders to refine us.

1. To Show What Kind of People We Are

Honestly speaking, those who govern us and lead us effectively reveal what's in our hearts. Our responses to their kind of leadership often reveal what's inside of us, and what side are we really on: God's or man's.

Many Christians today overemphasise the Romans 13 teaching that says, "Everyone must submit to governing authorities. For all authority comes from God, and those in positions of authority have been placed there by God" (verse 1).

While we must submit to authority, we must also think carefully: If our submission to man makes us sin against God, then it simply proves that we're not following God.

2. To Teach Us Lessons

In the same way God warned Israel of their stubborn decision to be led by a human king instead of the King of kings (see 1 Samuel 8), God uses bad leaders to teach His people to pursue righteousness and stand up for it.

When a people elect or unite to put up a leader who is wicked, they are the ones who actually suffer the consequences of having bad leadership. God uses this cause-and-effect scenario to teach us to choose the kind of leaders that He wants – those who are just, honest, righteous, and with integrity.

3. To Ignite a Desire for Christ's Reign

Evil leaders will ignite our hearts to desire for Christ's reign here on earth, if we truly love God. Although human leaders can promise us a lot of comfort, we must realise that we do not belong to this world. Christ is our Supreme Leader, and His reign is the one we eagerly desire.

God Vs. Man

In a nutshell, God uses bad leaders to show us that He is the only one we must follow and obey. All human leaders have shortcomings, and bad leaders have more than just that. God has nothing but our good in store for us.