How big do you see God and how big do you see your problems?


When I think about how big God is, I am reminded of the stars. From our point of reference, stars in the night sky actually appear very small - no bigger than grains of sand. But we all know that the stars are not that small. They are in fact thousands if not millions of times bigger than the earth we walk on.

But why do stars look small from where we stand? It's mainly because of the perspective we have, given that we look at them from far away, they look apparently small and relatively insignificant when they are indeed enormous and extremely powerful.

The second thing I think about when I think about how big God is, is an ant under a magnifying glass. Ants are small, but if you put them under a magnifying glass, they will appear bigger than they actually are. What makes the apparent difference in the size? Once again, it boils down to perspective.

So many times we live with back to front perspectives.  We get confused about the size of our problems and the size of our God mainly because of the perspective we have. Too often God is like a distant star and our problems are like small ants that have been magnified into giants under the microscope of worry, doubt and fear. We think that our problems are much bigger than our God because our perspective distorts the truth that the ant does not stand a chance against a star that is up close.

One person who struggled with perspective was Abraham. When promised a son, he and his wife Sarah could not grasp the idea because their perspective couldn't comprehend it. They focused on their old age. God says to them in Genesis 18:13, "The Lord said to Abraham, 'Why did Sarah laugh and say, 'Shall I indeed bear a child, now that I am old?' Is anything too hard for the Lord? At the appointed time I will return to you, about this time next year, and Sarah shall have a son.'"

Is anything too hard for the Lord? If we view him as we do distant stars in the night sky we might think that a lot of things will be too difficult for Him, but when we see Him as a powerful God who is near and who is present, He will appear bigger than any problem or difficulty you might face today.

That's how important perspective is, and if we are not careful our perspectives could distort the truth of how big our God is and how small our problems really are compared to Him. What problems are you facing today and has a wrong perspective magnified them over your big and powerful God?