How can a new entrepreneur harness the power of money and marketing for their startup?

(Unsplash/Daria Nepriakhina)

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Being a new entrepreneur is like setting your foot and adjusting on uneven ground. You don't know what the best practices are. You are yet to learn from small and big failures. And you would have much confusion about decision making in business. That's why it's good to learn some basics from the professional, and learn the best marketing tips that are golden rules for any new entrepreneurs to follow.

Create a company blog or site

Blogging is the best way to reach the mass, and create a brand identity, business identity, and tell about your products and services. Blogging refers to writing content on the web, and if you are new to it, then you may get help from an experienced hand. For blogging, you need an expert writer who has the right delivery style to send your voice to your readers on your behalf. A blog or website is required for this, which would be the platform for writing. Here, you need to write and send updates about your products etc., and also express an opinion about things happening in your domain, your competitors, your own business vision, and aspirations, etc.

You can learn practically about anything which your target customers would or may search for on the internet, in order to make your blog or site a success. Making and maintaining a site does not ask for a huge fund or investment, and you can continue digital marketing and SEO for the site with some reasonable consisted expenditure.

Investment in buying marketing tools

When it comes to digital marketing from the business point of view, you need some tools for those. Tools refer to software, subscription to several services, analytical service purchasing, and purchasing of logos, graphics, flyers, posters, event-related stuff, etc. from designers, uploading stuff to the site from time to time, and updating things through developers, etc. This means you need to invest some amount in buying of digital marketing tools and services. The right tools would not let you make compromises. You will always have the best resources to propagate.

Marketing through storytelling

While creating content do some research, give some thoughts, and make stuff which will be engaging. If you tell your real story, then people would be much more attracted to read than reading stereotypical articles. Everyone knows how stuff works, and readers have a general idea. They are a lot more interested and inclined to know about personal experiences. Personal stories of success and failures, how you started a job, what you faced, how you related to certain things, your own opinion; all that matters a lot to readers in reality. Moreover, what you share must be helpful and full of insight into a topic in some way or the other.

Keeping a marketing team

As the new entrepreneur, you must make some investment in making a marketing team of your own. This way much of the job can be done in-house, and you will have to stop relying too much on third-party services. Obviously, this will demand to keep salaried employees for the job. And you surely will have to think on it.

Arranging funds for marketing

While you think deeply and plan so much on marketing, you will have to allocate a fund separately for this marketing wing. That's because no business can ever sustain in this competitive world without adequate and systematic marketing and advertising. And to make this happen, you will have to invest in this. Investing in marketing must be planned as you sketch the business.

The challenge in funding

While most new entrepreneurs understand the importance of viral and systematic marketing slow or fast, most also feel a challenge in this. And that is about funding. Starting a business takes a lot, and much of the business capital gets invested in other areas. Little or nothing is eventually left for marketing, and entrepreneurs feel they can manage a few months without active high-quality marketing. If you get into such a situation then instead of making compromises due to the money you can always take a business loan. Taking a business loan at the right point in time for the right marketing strategy planning and actions can be done with the help of funding financial agencies like

Planning money matters

As the new entrepreneur, you will have to ensure that you have the right amount of funds for every section of the business. That will do the trick for solving many problems. Proper documentation, proper understanding, and approach towards applying for business loans, etc. help a lot. You can always hire and consult a financial consultant too to get a better idea of how to manage money matters, how to take loans, and later how to manage the debt and repay.

Also, you must have a concrete plan for repaying any loan or fund you are raising from the market. Repaying on time increases your company's value and credibility. If the business performs well, you may have enough funds to pre-close a loan. But you may be restrained to do so due to high prepayment penalties. Here you must ask before applying for a business loan about such charges. Most new entrepreneurs forget asking the clause about prepayment charges and penalties. You should never make this mistake, and only get funds from a lender who would not charge you havoc for pre-closure of the loan.

Besides, many more things need to be understood and planned. Avoiding traditional banks and looking for other funding agencies helps a lot for the new entrepreneurs. This reduces the chances of loan application rejection for any wild reason. And you stand a good chance to get a nice fund arranged on time without your credit score getting affected due to rejections.


The new entrepreneur has a lot of things to think about and plan with near perfection. It's obvious that you will make mistakes. But you can always work hard to repair flaws and fix things. Money is a big strength and helps you organize things better. Also, marketing is a big strength to align the business in the competitive market. Hence the sensible use of both can work wonders for your startup.