How can I guard my heart from pride?

Pexels / Kaboom Pics

Pride is a treacherous trait. It comes so subtly, brings downfall so easily and punishes heavily. So many Christians do their best to avoid pride and its hold on their hearts, but every now and then, it still creeps in.

No matter who you are and how mature you believe you've become, everyone has fallen into feelings of pride at one point and may still feel it again in the future. How can we protect our hearts from pride? 2 Chronicles tells the story of one valiant yet arrogant king whose pride lead to his downfall.

2 Chronicles 26 tells us the story of a king named Uzziah, a king of Judah whom the people chose over his father. Uzziah was only sixteen years old when he became king, but the wisdom and strategy he applied unto his rule brought much success not only to him but to the whole kingdom of Judah. He mustered a military force unlike what the rest of the world had seen, oversaw inventions that brought much advancements and provided a high surplus of food sources.

Chronicles 26:16 tells us though that "...when he was strong, he grew proud, to his destruction. For he was unfaithful to the Lord his God and entered the temple of the Lord to burn incense on the altar of incense."

The thing about pride is it will often come when we are on top. The challenge of humility comes when we are at our best, and as highly probable it is that successful people become more susceptible to issues of pride, God is faithful to provide us with a way out.

That's why it is always important to remind ourselves of the unending grace of God, and that it is only because of his love and mercy that we gain success in all we do. We never gain success solely because of our own strength, but only through the grace of God. Philippians 1:6 says, "And I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ."

We are sure that our success is primarily the "good work of God" and not ours and he is the one that will carry it to completion through the power of the sacrifice of Jesus.

What successes are you experiencing today? How can you return the glory to God in time of victory?