How can we incorporate faith into our working life?


We know we need to incorporate our faith into everything we do and that includes our work. But it can be difficult to see how our faith can fit into our working day, especially if our jobs have no obvious or direct connection to our faith. So many of us are spending more time at work than anywhere else and our faith should be integrated into our beings so it is only natural for it to be present in our 9-5s. Faith isn't a uniform that we clothe ourselves in after we finish work. There's no systematic clocking on and off routine when it comes to faith so surely it should be just as apparent in our working day as it is elsewhere. Our work doesn't always give us a feeling of contributing something worthwhile and to society but if somewhere along the way our faith at work can impact someone's life positively, then this is a much greater gift. We want people to see that Christ lives in us. This light isn't something that we want to cover up or conceal when we're around our colleagues, clients or customers.

Our identity doesn't need to be discernible from our job title like jobs connected to the church or other Christian vocations are but our identity should be discernible from our actions within the workplace. Sometimes it can feel as though there's a disconnect between our working life and our spiritual life but here are some ways in which we can make sure that we are the connection.

On the way to work

Our commutes can be a tough but there are things that we can do to make them better and head into work at peace and positive. Do something kind for a fellow commuter on your way in. Give up your seat to someone on the bus or train or help someone who asks for directions. Praising God can feel like the last thing we want to do in such situations but listening to a worship song can take us out of our dreary, sweaty and claustrophobic commute and remind us what we have to be thankful for.

At work

Most workplaces have prayer rooms or areas where you can go for some peace and quiet. If your workplace doesn't, maybe there's a local church nearby which opens at lunch that you can spend some time in. Taking time out at lunch to pray can help us to refocus our faith during the day. Connecting with Christian colleagues can help keep us accountable while we're at work. How we practice our faith in a working environment should be our priority not preaching but we should definitely feel free to talk about our faith where appropriate. Opening up about the church or faith related activities that we do outside work is one way to open up a conversation with non-Christian colleagues without making them feel as though your trying to force your beliefs on them.