How many loos?

Q: We’re holding a garden party in the church grounds for 300 people and understand that we need to bring in portable toilets. How many do we need?

A: The general guidelines are that for an event lasting less than 6 hours organisers need to put into place 1 toilet per 120 females and 1 toilet per 600 males plus 1 urinal per 175 males! You would think that that would be all the information you need but there are other issues to consider. For example, for events licensed for public entertainment, the numbers and locations of toilets should be agreed with your local authority. Hand washing facilities have to be provided and antiseptic hand wipes or bactericidal soap should be provided where warm water is not available. Think about the area around the hand washing facilities – you need to ensure this does not become waterlogged and muddy. Facilities for people with special needs should be considered – easy access for wheelchair users and baby changing areas are essential. Receptacles for sanitary towels and nappies will be needed with provision for regular emptying. And finally sewage disposal will need to be looked at – ensure you use a licensed contractor who will arrange this for you.

Courtesy of Affinity Events