How to decorate Easter eggs creatively and uniquely

Easter EggsWikipedia

Easter won't be the same without Easter egg hunts and egg decorations. The traditional way of decorating an egg is to hard boil it and then paint it once it has cooled. However, there are more creative ways of decorating Easter eggs. 

One way is to use crayons. Remove the label of the crayons and carefully use a peeler to make crayon shavings. Once there is enough, hard boil an egg. Do not let it cool – instead, sit it on a bottle cap and sprinkle the crayon shavings. They will melt on the hot surface and create natural art. 

Chalk board paint can also be used to create unique Easter egg decorations. Make sure to purchase chalk board paint, not chalk paint. Wear gloves and only use a foam brush when painting the eggs. Once the paint has dried, they can be decorated with white or colored chalk sticks. 

Another unique method is to hard boil an egg, carefully remove its shell, and then dip the egg in a mixture of oil and food coloring. Do not add too much dye or the color will not stick to the egg's surface. The oil will create a unique, glossy look when applied right. 

Old 100 percent silk can also be used and are often the best choices because of their colorful designs. Cut the seams and wrap the egg within the tie's fabric, adding extra layers when possible. Ensure that the front side of the tie is directly touching the egg. Once it is wrapped, bind it tightly and boil in a pot of water mixed with a quarter cup of vinegar. Boil for 20 minutes. After that, take the egg out of the water and allow it to cool for five to 10 minutes. Unwrap the egg to see it covered in the tie's pattern.