'How to Get Away with Murder' season 3 spoilers: Who dies in tonight's winter finale?

Annalise (Viola Davis) in a "How to Get Away with Murder" season 3 promo still.ABC

The season-long question about who met his or her demise in this year's "How to Get Away with Murder" will finally be answered in tonight's midseason finale. Just like other shows with good stories that involve death, fans of the series have come out with a couple of different scenarios as to who may be under the sheet.

TV Guide offers a detailed look at the many possibilities as it tries to determine who might be the one who bit the bullet this season. As per the article, the mysterious death is just a toss-up between Frank (Charlie Weber) and Nate (Billy Brown) and for two very different reasons.

Frank's road to redemption started when he decided that he was willing to do everything just so Annalise (Viola Davis) and the rest of the team would take him back following his misdemeanors. Apparently, he quickly realized that being alone was not a good look for him and immediately made a move to get back his old life. But after Bonnie (Liza Weil) slammed the door in his face and with Laurel (Karla Souza) already going out with a new man, he was left with no other option but to directly plead his case to Annalise. He gets to a point that he was even willing to take his life for her former mentor out of pure desperation.

"I feel that his apology to me is very dramatic and very real," Davis told Entertainment Weekly writer Natalie Abrams about Frank's plea to her character. "I do feel that, and I do feel my reaction is very real, as well as Bonnie's, in the scene, but I don't know how to get beyond that. He came into the relationship because of Sam [Tom Verica], not me. It's not like I wanted him. There's got to be something else, but I don't know how he then [can get a] total act of forgiveness."

Logistics-wise, Frank is very susceptible and could have been the one killed as he was already at Annalise's house and a gun was already near him. Regardless of whether it was suicide or if someone else murdered him, the odds are stacked against him in terms of surviving.

While Frank's death is more sensible and will arguably be the most impactful, the analysis cites it as being too obvious and that is not how executive producer Shonda Rhimes usually rolls. Nate, on the other hand, is a more safe choice which, again, is not in Rhimes' storytelling playbook. But the death in itself might not really be the main spectacle here but what comes after it or what it means for Annalise and the Keating 5 moving forward.

To find out who is under the sheet, catch "How to Get Away with Murder" season 3 tonight at 10 p.m. ET on ABC.