How To Not Miss Out On God's Best For You


I have a confession to make: I'm an opportunity junkie. What that means is that I get super pumped up and excited every time a new opportunity of any kind comes knocking on my door - another project, another speaking engagement, another person to disciple or mentor.

I have another confession to make: It's not always good for me. Maybe you know the danger that accompanies spreading yourself too thin. Well that's something that opportunity junkies get into a lot. If you're saying today that you're an opportunity junkie and you feel like you're spreading yourself too thin, let me tell you today that that has to change as soon as possible!

One big reason why many people might be missing out on God's best today is because they're too busy to take on anything else. After all, God wants us productive and open to receive opportunities to serve Him and to serve others.

There's this old cliche that happens in romantic films where someone who's already in a relationship meets another person and becomes convinced they're actually "the one" for them. Now, I know that's not a very good illustration for romantic relationships (in fact, it's a terrible one!) but how many of you know that it can feel the same way when it comes to other opportunities?

There's this big job offer, but you're already tied to a contract. There's an amazing conference abroad, but you're already tied financially to another commitment. The list could go on, but often we can't take them on because we're already tied to an existing one. How can we not miss out on God's best?

You may already be experiencing God's best

Now here's where we may start. Sometimes we can make the mistake of thinking that God's best is out there, but the fact is that we are now experiencing God's best. In Philippians 4:11, Paul says, "Not that I am speaking of being in need, for I have learned in whatever situation I am to be content."

The old saying goes like this: "The grass is always greener on the other side." And many times it's true. We get caught up in this fantasy that isn't really as fantastic as it seems simply because there is no contentment in our hearts. So the first thing we must come to terms with is this: Am I really looking for God's best or am I simply looking for my best? If we're looking to God's best, we just might be daydreaming about something we want when God has already given us what we need.

If it's really God calling you out, count the cost and go

But there can be seasons where God does call us out to His best. When that happens we have to remember that it will cost us. Jesus said "If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me." (Luke 9:23) Is God calling you out to something better? Great! But you're going to have to leave something else behind. If it's a job, a mindset, a home or maybe even a ministry.

But when God calls, He calls us to something that will always lead to something better than what we currently have. The question is, will you trust Him enough to count the cost and go whatever the cost may be?