How to react to people who attack your integrity


Dealing with accusations can be a heavy burden. When someone questions your ethics and ways of doing things to the point of suggesting you have little to no integrity, it hurts. It's as simple as that. It just hurts.

Maybe you have been accused of mishandling money, manipulating people with leadership or authority or having hurt others with your words and actions. When we are at the receiving end of accusations it can often catch us off guard and affect us a lot.

When we look at the ministry of Jesus Christ, we can see the weight of having to face so many accusations. He was accused of being a demon, a blasphemer, a false prophet and so many other things. We of course know that all of these things are not true, but it must have hurt to be on the receiving end of so much false blame.

That's the thing about our Lord - He knew what it was like to experience the same things we do. He wasn't immune to the pain of accusation and attack, but even in the midst of such great attack, He kept His integrity intact. What would be a Christ-like response to an accusation and attack on our own integrity?

Be open to the possibility of accusations being true

While Jesus was often attacked with false accusations, the reality is that unlike Jesus we aren't perfect. There is a possibility that the things we are accused of have some basis. There is danger in hiding behind the assumption that we're always the victim. Whether criticism thrown at us was meant to malign or build us up, there can always be something learned.

And if there is truth to it then take it as an opportunity to come in repentance before God and others. James 4:6 reminds us, "But he gives more grace. Therefore it says, 'God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble.'"

Don't react to it right there and then

One thing that Jesus would often do when attacked maliciously was keep silent especially if He knew the opposite end was in no position to listen. Matthew 27:12 says, "But when he was accused by the chief priests and elders, he gave no answer." Sometimes, the best thing to do is to stay silent and let people talk.

If what they say is true then let the truth set us free. If it's not then we have nothing to prove to those who accuse us or to anyone for that matter, and the right people will often be quick to judge between gossip and truth. Know that your integrity lies not in the opinion of others, but in the trust you have towards Christ to redeem you of your shortcomings and protect you from lies that are out to destroy you.