How to reignite your faith and stay on fire for God


It's not uncommon for a Christian to feel like they're slipping into a void after Sunday service. While hearing the pastor speak, you can feel so involved and enlivened. But once you get home and start the week again, it feels like your faith is crashing. This does happen, especially when you don't exert the extra effort to keep the fire burning. This is why you must always find ways to stay on fire for God to avoid this feeling of blandness in faith. How can you do that?

Include God in Your Daily Routine

Yes, work, household chores, and errands take much of your time and focus during the day. The daily grind is what makes you lose focus on the Lord. You won't feel the impact right away, but if this keeps going on everyday, you'll definitely feel the impact sooner or later.

Knowing this, you have to put more effort into including God in your daily routine. If you're exercising, jogging, or walking, why not listen to worship music or an audio sermon? While cleaning the house, doing the laundry, or while preparing family meals, blast off some Christian songs from your speakers. This conscious act of including God in whatever you do will keep you close to Him.

Spend Free Time Wisely

Whenever you have free time on your hands, it becomes automatic to do something that will relax you or at least, allow you to unwind. You may have a 30-minute break and choose to watch TV or just go through your social media profiles. Think about it, why don't you use some of that free time to do your daily devotion? Or why not read a passage from the Bible, listen to Christian songs, or watch video sermons or even clips if you're really short on time.

Always remember, an idle mind is the devil's workshop. When your mind retreats away from the Lord, the devil seizes this opportunity to break your relationship apart. This is why you feel like your relationship is losing the fire that was once burning so strong.

Serve the Church

There are various ways of serving the church. You can volunteer to teach kids at Sunday School, be a part of a missionary or outreach project, or help the church plan its weekly and monthly activities. Nothing can ignite the flame inside you more than spending time in the house of the Lord. By serving the church, you will feel more connected to the Lord.

Serve Others

The world is quite unfair. There are people who experience more suffering, which is why they grow closer to God every day. However, there are those people who live better lives and tend to become more complacent with their relationship with the Lord. If you're the latter, make it one of your missions to serve others even in the simplest things. If you know people who are in pain, pray for them, talk to them and reach out. Every day, try to spread the gospel to unbelievers you know. And for your fellow Christians, stay in contact with them and check how they are. This mindfulness of others will help keep you on your toes.

Reigniting your faith isn't that hard to do. You've already accepted God as your one and only Savior. It just takes more effort to keep that relationship strong. Just like with relationships and marriages, there must be a constant effort in making sure that there is love, faith, and trust in one another. Your relationship with God is a work in progress, it will still be until your last breath. This is one of the challenges we Christians all face, but a challenge that we can easily overcome as long as you want to.