How to Share Your Faith Using High School Musical 2

|PIC1|Music and romance are once again front and centre stage in the sequel movie High School Musical 2. This time around the HMS plot finds Troy and Gabriella on summer break - but hard at work. They've landed jobs at a country club, but the work world gets complicated on a social level. Throw in a talent show competition, a manipulative drama queen, and some country club snobbery, and you get a glimpse of the highs and lows of high school life over summer break.

But the movie also finds Troy and Gabriella's relationship on the rocks. In Gabriella's eyes, Troy has changed, and definitely not for the better! She's looking for a guy with character and integrity and for a meaningful relationship that won't be blown apart by a scheming female 'competitor'.

A desire for meaningful relationships is part of how God's wired us as humans. And ultimately, the most meaningful relationship we will ever experience is our restored relationship with God through Jesus. God longs to have a personal relationship with every single human being and he promises to stick with us through whatever tough stuff comes our way in life. Jer. 31:3 assures us of God's promise,

"I've never quit loving you and never will. Expect love, love, and more love!" (The Message)

As you find opportunities to talk about High School Musical 2 with your friends, look for openings to move the conversation in a spiritual direction. Here are some questions that might help trigger meaningful discussion:

- What kind of character qualities are you looking for in your friends? What about in a potential boyfriend or girlfriend? What makes a good friendship? What do you believe God calls you to in this area of your life?

- Ask your friends whether the social 'group' they hang with is a key determiner of how they view themselves as a person. Where do they find their identity? Is it based on who their friends are and what others think of them?

- Are you comfortable being yourself or do you find yourself trying to fit in to a particular clique? Share your struggles and insights.

- Do you and your friends long for a circle of friend who will always be there and never turn on you? Share how Jesus is your closest friend. For help with this, check out the GOSPEL Journey. And share how the church, as the Body of Christ, can provide a circle of friends who will be there to serve and support one another. To learn more about this, see the Soul Fuel article Create Your Own High School Musical!

High School Musical 2 can be a conversation starter for you to talk with your friends about the best relationship of all - a relationship with the One who is loyal and true and faithful forever.


Jane Dratz works for Dare 2 Share Ministries in Arvada, Colo., a ministry committed to energizing and equipping teens to know, live, share and own their faith in Jesus. For more information on Dare 2 Share Ministries, please visit Send feedback to