How will you come to church on Sunday?

In his Easter message, the President of the Methodist Conference considers the different ways in which people came to Christ on the first Easter Day.

Whichever way we come to church on Easter Sunday, it's the Rev Leo Osborn's prayer that we will meet the Risen Lord.

The full message follows:

"I wonder how you will be coming to church on Easter Sunday? Maybe by car, train, bike or on foot? I hope to be arriving at church by boat as I meet with a congregation on the Amazon River in Brazil! Some of you may be “coming to church” in your own home through radio, TV, or internet.

"But how will you really come? On the first Easter Day:

• John came running, eagerly, filled with amazement and, later, with joy.

• Peter came stooping, wondering: If the tomb was empty where was Jesus?

• The two on the road to Emmaus came puzzling: “We had hoped . . . . but . . . ”

• Mary came weeping, grief stricken: “They have taken my Lord away and I don’t know where they have laid Him.”

• Thomas came doubting: “Unless I see ….. I will not believe”.

"But, however they came, sooner or later they met with the Risen Lord. And, however you come, I pray that the Risen Lord will bless you with His living presence and lasting peace.

"Happy Easter!"