'Half-Life 3' release date news; HTC apologizes for confusion

This is a cool cover, but one thing than will be cooler than that is a new one dedicated "Half-life 3" cover.Wikipedia

There was a major furor that fired up just recently when the existence of "Half-Life 3" was hinted by HTC chairwoman Cher Wang in a new interview with BBC. Gamers were slowly moving on from the fact that Valve Corporation is not working on refreshing the smash hit sci-fi action franchise, but all the dying hopes were awakened when Wang revealed that HTC is "co-operating with Half-Life." 

HTC is partnering with Valve in developing a VR headset. When BBC asked if "Half-Life" is on Valve's cards for the gadget, she replied, "We are co-operating with Half-Life, and I think ... I hope, you know, it will be on it." 

After reaching Valve for a statement, BBC discovered that the company was surprised of Wang's statements and the uproar it caused thereafter. A source from the game studio claimed then that no "Half-Life" installment is in the works at the moment. 

Meanwhile, Wang clarified her statement and apologized "for any confusion caused when [she] referred to individual game titles." 

"In response to a question on specific games, I misspoke when I referred to our working together with Valve on a particular game, when instead I meant our collaboration with Valve on developing next-generation virtual reality experiences for gaming," Wang said via BBC. "I am very excited about the work we are doing with Valve, and look forward to bringing our HTC Vive to market later this year." 

As it turns out, Wang, just like millions of gamers and fans of the "Half Life" series, hopes that a brand new installment for the franchise will come around. Besides, it is about time. The last tangible "Half-Life" goody was released back in 2007. "Half-Life 2" was released more than a decade ago. 

The star of the interview was meant to be the collaborative project between Valve and HTC, which is the VR headset called the HTC Vive. The gadget will be out in the market this year and will bring optimal gaming experience to its wearers.