HTC One M9 vs M8: Next-gen handset anticipated specs compared with predecessor

HTC One M8

HTC has never been this menacing to other tech giants in the smartphone category. Since the rollout of the HTC One M8, the company was propelled to new heights. With its premium-specced handset, one could just impatiently wait for more surprises up in the company's big sleeves. And luckily, the waiting may be cut short. With a new HTC device rumor going around, it looks like users are not too far away from one big shocker again.

Word on the street is that the latest frontrunner HTC One M8 will get a successor, which everybody would call HTC One M9. The greater buzz is that this one's going to be downright incredible. Today, the forerunner will take on its speculated successor in a specs matchup. But even before the competition is set in motion, it already goes without saying that their maker is gradually becoming a company heavyweight in the handset category.

HTC's March 2014 offering, the One M8, sports a 5-inch 1080p HD display generating 441 pixels per inch, which gives sharp and highly-detailed visuals. Its reported successor will undoubtedly receive a major upgrade. It is rumored to feature a bigger 5.3-inch 1440p QHD display screen delivering 564 pixels per inch.

The M8 is powered by a quad-core Snapdragon 801 along with 2 GB of RAM. The M9 is expected to even thrash that by packing a Qualcomm Snapdragon 810 processor coupled with 3 GB of RAM. There are also rumors that M9 will show off an octa-core processor. That's double M8's quad.

For now these are some of M9's characteristics that are contained in rumors. Other important details about the M9 build are still difficult to get. Moreover, HTC has neither commented on the speculations nor made any announcements of the existence of the high-end device. But with the sound of that, HTC M9 will trounce its predecessor and other handsets in the market. The Taiwanese corporation sure has big expectations to fulfill.

If HTC would not divert from its release trend, then March 2015 will likely be the day fans can finally see the HTC M9.