Human Rights Campaigner Arrested in Sudan - Christians Call for Release

Dr. Mudawi Ibrahim Adam, a well-known human rights activist has been arrested on 8th May 2005 in Khartoum, Sudan. It is reported that no charges were brought, but concerns have appeared as he may be transported to another place.

Dr. Mudawi is the chairman of non-governmental Sudan Social Development Organisation (SUDO). The main activities of SUDO include humanitarian aid in Darfur, education and development programmes.

Dr. Mudawi was arrested together with his two colleagues on his way to Dublin, Ireland, where he was supposed to accept the Front Line's award for human rights defenders from the President of Ireland Mary McAleese. The event is due to take place on Friday 13th May 2005 in the presence of many diplomats in Ireland, including the British and American ambassadors.

Already, Dr. Mudawi's wife and daughter have been granted emergency visas to receive the award in his place. However, many Christian and humanitarian organisations have stood in his side and protests have begun against his arrest.

Church World Service (CWS), Front Line and Christian Aid among many others, have released their statements to urge the Sudanese authorities as follows:

1. Immediately release Dr. Mudawi Ibrahim Adam, and his colleagues Yasir Saleem and Abdalla Taha, who were also arrested, if they are not charged with a recognisable criminal offence.

2. Ensure that Dr. Mudawi, Yasir Saleem, and Abdalla Taha have access to a lawyer and to their families

3. Ensure that Dr. Mudawi, Yasir Saleem, and Abdalla Taha are treated humanely while in custody and not subjected to torture or ill-treatment and that treatment of Dr. Mudawi and his colleagues while in custody adheres to all those conditions set out in the 'Basic Principles for Treatment of Prisoners,' adopted by General Assembly resolution 45/111 of 14 December 1990.

It is third arrest for Dr. Mudawi in just over a year. According to Amnesty International, his first arrest was on 28th December 2003 and was charged from committing offences against the state. All charges were dropped on 7th August 2004. The second arrest happened on 24th January 2005 with him being released on 8th March 2005.

CWS' CEO Rev. John L. McCullough spoke on Mudawi's behalf: "Clearly we are dismayed at what seems to be a perpetual violation of Dr. Mudawi's rights, and we intend to not only monitor but also to agitate on his behalf. We are confident in Dr. Mudawi’s leadership and commitment to a greater Sudan."

Director of Front Line Mary Lawlor said that the actions of authorities in Sudan are in contrary to the work and attempts of human rights' activists: "We will continue to press that he be released and allowed to travel to collect his award, however, should he be unable to make it to Dublin we will still go ahead with the ceremony in order to honour this remarkable and courageous man."